Natural Home Cleaning Products: Bathroom Edition

This post may contain affiliate marketing links, which means I get paid commission on sales of those products I write about. My content is not influenced by the advertiser or affiliate partnership. I have tried the products I recommend and try to give my honest opinion on them

Welcome to my journey of natural and homemade products. In this post, I have all of my natural home cleaning products you can use for the bathroom plus, a free PDF download of all of the products listed.

I have a two-bath house, so I make up my natural home cleaning products for both bathrooms and keep them under the bathroom sinks. This way, I have easy access to them, and it is less time consuming to clean, when I don’t have to run to the other bathroom to grab the products I need.

I reuse old spray bottles for most of my cleaning products, or if I’m out of old spray bottles, I go to the dollar store and buy cheap, spray bottles from there. I have found that labeling them with a sharpie works best instead of trying to apply a label to them that will probably get wet and come off, unless you want to spend the money to buy waterproof labels, but I’m all about saving money, so a sharpie works for me.

All-In-One Bathroom Cleaner

    • 2 cups warm water

    • 1 tbsp baking soda

Add water and baking soda to a spray bottle. Shake to combine. Add castile soap and essential oils (see below), shake to combine. Before use, shake the bottle and allow the solution to sit on the surface 1 minute before wiping away.

I use this cleaner to clean my bathroom counters and outside of the toilets. It doesn’t have an overpowering chemical smell to it, which is a major plus, and it cleans very well.

Mirror Spray

    • 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar

    • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol

    • 1/2 cup water

Mix all of the ingredients into a spray bottle. Spray onto your mirror and wipe away with a cloth or newspaper.

This mirror spray is streak free, and the best mirror spray I have found, yet.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

    • 1/2 cup baking soda

    • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide

    • 1 cup hot water

    • 1/4 cup vinegar

Combine the baking soda to a large bowl with castile soap. Add in Eucalyptus, Lemon, Orange or Rosemary essential oil. Mix in the hydrogen peroxide. Slowly add the water, whisking gently. Add the vinegar. Stir until the foaming stops. Pour into a squeeze top bottle. Squeeze cleaner under rim of toilet and let sit, 5-10 minutes.

Toilet Bombs

    • 1 cup baking soda

    • 1/2 tsp vinegar

    • 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide

Add baking soda and citric acid to a large bowl, mix well. In a separate bowl, add vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Slowly, pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and stir until it clumps together. Add 40 drops of essential oils (see below). Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper and use a tbsp to scoop up mix and place onto parchment paper. If tabs are too dry or crumbly, spritz with water to help them stick together. Allow to air dry overnight. When dry, store in an airtight container. When ready to use, throw one into your toilet bowl and let it sit until the foam as stopped.

Base Of the Toilet

    • Shaving Cream

If you have boys, this will be your best friend. Spray and smear a generous layer of foam around the base of the toilet to get rid of the urine smell. Let it sit for 15-30 minutes and then clean it up with a mop and hot water.

Poo-Pourri Spray

    • 1 tbsp rubbing alcohol (witch Hazel/vodka works too)

    • 5 drops lavender essential oil

    • 7 drops of peppermint oil

    • 10 drops of lemon essential oil

    • 2 oz spray bottle

Combine all of the ingredients into a 2 oz glass, spray bottle and fill the rest of the way with distilled water. Once all of the ingredients are combined, shake well and let it sit overnight. After you have let it sit, shake well before each use and spray 4-6 squirts directly onto the toilet water.

Bathtub Scrub

    • 1 tsp liquid soap

    • 1 cup baking soda

Mix together to form a paste. Then, scrub the paste onto the bathtub with a sponge.

Shower Cleaner

    • 1/4 cup vinegar

    • 1 cup water

Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle.

Hard Water Stain Remover

    • 1 cup Epsom salt

    • 1/2 cup baking soda

    • 1/4 cup dish soap

Combine all of the ingredients together, to form a paste and rub it onto the affected area. Let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Mold and Mildew Spray

    • 1/2 cup water

    • 1/2 cup vinegar

    • 20 drops of tea tree oil

Place all of the ingredients in a spray bottle and spray onto the affected area.

Coconut Oil Hand Soap

    • 1/4 cup shaved soap (like castile soap bar)

    • 4 cups boiling water

    • 1 tbsp coconut oil

Grate the bar soap. Next, Mix all of the ingredients together until completely dissolved. Afterwards,Let the mixture cool before pouring into your soap bottle.

Essential Oils

Here, you will find a short list of useful essential oils for cleaning products. Essential oils have many benefits and can help boost the power of your cleaning products.

    • Orange essential oils- has antimicrobial properties and is a great option in place of bleach. It is also a natural deterrent for flies and ants. Do not use though, if you have an orange or citrus allergy.

    • Tea Tree essential oil (Melaleuca Oil)- helps to sanitize your surfaces. In fact, it also helps to deter flies and ants and isn’t as harsh as orange essential oils.

    • Eucalyptus essential oil- is great for removing bacteria’s including E. coli from surfaces, including steel surfaces. A small number of people have reported having epileptic- like seizures after inhaling Eucalyptus essential oil.
    • Lemon essential oil- is a disinfectant and deodorizer. Also, you can also use it on stainless steel to clean and shine them.

I hope you find my natural home cleaning products for your bathroom useful, don’t forget to grab your free printable download so you always have a copy of these cleaning products recipe.

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